It's good to be "famous" ,for once!
Many of you know that I'm writing sponsored content on my techie blog,and for the first time in my life i have been brought into the limelight because of it.As an teenager i(in fact i can include "we") was desperate to earn something out of the internet.It all started a couple of months ago,when me,magi,raja,vj was introduced into the world of sponsored blogging by Rama.Since then my rusted paypal account(i started mine an year ago in view of getting money from adsense but in vain)has been repainted with a few $$ and was seeing some traffic($$).Payperpost (PPP)was the one which provided me the greater income than any other sites and this became an new hobby of mine.As the time passed more people were dragged into this and it reached a point where we started to outsource sponsored post with an 50-50 share there by creating an Win-Win situation for both the sides.
On a fine Wednesday evening i used the plug in that Rama had given me,and was showing some Youtube videos to my school friends.Never have i dreamt that, in a few minutes a post is waiting to get me fame.I was enjoying the "Baby laughing at Wii" video and suddenly heard my plug in shouting(i had opted out one of the options in plug in so video continued to play instead of the page being opened).I neglected the sound and continued to enjoy the video,but my friend distracted by the sound inquired about it and asked me what the sound was.I opened the page to explain him and whaaahhhaa ,to my surprise there was an post with a value of $50.I was shocked(never have i written a post exceeding $10 before this)and within few seconds i reserved it.I was greatly excited and wrote the post with at most care and dedication by checking each and every word for more than three times and made sure that nothing could go wrong.Some days later the post got approved and i thought it that everything has ended,but to my surprise it was just an beginning....

On August 30th i received a mail from the Britt who was a member of PPP crew.The mail stated the following ...
I was speechless for some time and then quickly responded to the mail ,stating what i was going to do with the earnings.The stipulated day was just four day wait but it was like a month long for me.In between many things happened such as re-valuation results,unit tests and much more..but nothing mattered to me at this point.At last the dawn of Tuesday(sep 4th) installed new hopes in me and around 8.30 PM(abt 11 AM for them) there were three post at PPP blog out of which two were some one's exclusive interview and the other post stated "Congrats to those 1K Tuesdays posties".On seeing this my eyes bulged out and i was searching for my name among others.I had searched almost upto the end and was about to give up, the review that was posted at the last sounded quite familiar.Yup it was my feedback that was posted (one i replied in the mail) and i was happy.Soon magi came online and i shared the joy with him and he read the post and was happy for me.The best thing that came out of this apart from money was the that linkback,as a result more people have visited my blog since the post.Its a great way to improve the blog ranking!All together the feel was great and it does feels great to be "noticed"!
On a fine Wednesday evening i used the plug in that Rama had given me,and was showing some Youtube videos to my school friends.Never have i dreamt that, in a few minutes a post is waiting to get me fame.I was enjoying the "Baby laughing at Wii" video and suddenly heard my plug in shouting(i had opted out one of the options in plug in so video continued to play instead of the page being opened).I neglected the sound and continued to enjoy the video,but my friend distracted by the sound inquired about it and asked me what the sound was.I opened the page to explain him and whaaahhhaa ,to my surprise there was an post with a value of $50.I was shocked(never have i written a post exceeding $10 before this)and within few seconds i reserved it.I was greatly excited and wrote the post with at most care and dedication by checking each and every word for more than three times and made sure that nothing could go wrong.Some days later the post got approved and i thought it that everything has ended,but to my surprise it was just an beginning....
On August 30th i received a mail from the Britt who was a member of PPP crew.The mail stated the following ...
I was speechless for some time and then quickly responded to the mail ,stating what i was going to do with the earnings.The stipulated day was just four day wait but it was like a month long for me.In between many things happened such as re-valuation results,unit tests and much more..but nothing mattered to me at this point.At last the dawn of Tuesday(sep 4th) installed new hopes in me and around 8.30 PM(abt 11 AM for them) there were three post at PPP blog out of which two were some one's exclusive interview and the other post stated "Congrats to those 1K Tuesdays posties".On seeing this my eyes bulged out and i was searching for my name among others.I had searched almost upto the end and was about to give up, the review that was posted at the last sounded quite familiar.Yup it was my feedback that was posted (one i replied in the mail) and i was happy.Soon magi came online and i shared the joy with him and he read the post and was happy for me.The best thing that came out of this apart from money was the that linkback,as a result more people have visited my blog since the post.Its a great way to improve the blog ranking!All together the feel was great and it does feels great to be "noticed"!
Congrats machi... Happy tht one of us is rocking like dis!!! I too saw tht post in ppp blog.. Truely gr8!! Hope ur page rank increases to 4 atleast... Hope i get hold of one of those WWW or 1KT as well...
really this is a great achievement da.. now you have to help us in increasing all our page ranks..ha ha
Great machi.... you are making good use of the internet... put more post and enjoy your life in blogging da....nice to see it...
this is an achievement according to u...but for me i think that a person like u having immense knowledge and dedication towards internet and blogging..this is just a feather added to ur cap... i want this to get increasing day by day.. get a lot more oppurtunities and earn more.. iwish u to get ur dream X-box360 as soon as possible.. i should be the first person to play on it...ok.. expecting more and more from u...all together it was rocking machi...as describing u i wrote a post instead of a comment..please tolerate this..
Great man.. All your dreams are comin true just at the right time. Hope your page rank increases n we guys gain from it as well. Now Xbox 360 is at your doorsteps.
hey really gr8 achievement da..keep it up buddy...hope u get in more of such opportunities..good luck
@ vj
your last sentence has come true da...good that ur name will be there next time!
will do that sure da..lets help ourselves and earn lot!
will do my best to put up more post da..
@sambu and tarun
thx all guys for the support and yes my dreams of 360 will become a reality soon
thx pa...hope ur words come true for me and other fellow members!
congrats dude.enjoy the life with your income
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